Tennessee Renaissance Festival 2025
Travel back to 16th Century England where the Village of Covington Glen comes alive with the bustle of a Renaissance Marketplace. Artisans from all over the country display their wares from silks to swords; from gems to jewels. Flavors, aromas and tastes of specialty foods and drinks greet the festival-goer. Hear Renaissance musicians and merrymakers voices echo through the trees. Welcome all to the Tennessee Renaissance Festival!
Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email mindy@kidsoutandabout.com so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.
*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.
Tennessee Renaissance FestivalLocation:
2124 New Castle Road
Arrington, TN, 37014United States
See map: Google Maps
(615) 395-9950Contact name:
Email address:
See website for details.
All AgesWeb Service