Instruments For Education

Instruments For Education's Mission
To collect and distribute musical instruments. Provide them cost-free to school students, teachers, and classrooms that may not otherwise have it in their budget to purchase. Introducing our youth to hands-on musical instruments such as guitar, keyboard, drums, etc. Igniting a spark to fuel their passion for lifelong musical creativity.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide musical instruments to any school classroom that makes requests with us. From pre-schools to high schools, we want to get as many schools as possible equipped with musical instruments that the kids can explore and learn to play. Our intentions are to inspire them with a love of making music. We all know funding for school music programs is continually shrinking, or they flat out do not have a budget for musical instruments so we are here to fill that void as much as possible.
Learning about and playing an instrument is such an excellent alternative for our younger generations that may spend hours on video games, binge-watching TV, social media, and anything screen-related. Music can provide a lifetime of creative enjoyment and an added skill set to anyone’s life. We were created to help facilitate that!